As for that last little detail, thanks to the fine folks (you know who you are) who donated through IndieGoGo, we were able to begin paying for some integral props (most notably a few customized t-shirts whose content I won't spoil until the movie's screened). I also passed the test to become certified on the Aaton XTR film camera, for which we will be shooting a few select scenes at the beginning and end of the movie. This, of course, also meant purchasing some B&W and color film, which we managed to get a really good deal on through the Kodak Education Store online.
Also wanted to take the opportunity to formally announce the participation of a few people in the production who haven't necessarily been mentioned by name.

David Reynolds, a close friend and frequent collaborator will be our Director of Photography, as well as a producer. Dave shot John's ACP: Fiction film, Lucky Penny, in the fall of 2009, and mine, The Watcher, this past November. To my knowledge, he doesn't have a DP Reel available online, but is experienced with the camera and equipment involved, and we're pumped to have someone we trust handling that responsibility.

Mike Ladouceur, an Ithaca College music student, has agreed to collaborate with us to compose some music for the film. He's done some great work in the past year on a couple of other student films, some samples of which can be found on his website at
More updates as they come!