Wednesday, March 2, 2011

And Now Introducing...

Since last we checked in, a number of newcomers have jumped aboard the "Paradise" production team, which is filling out quite nicely. Here they are, talented folks, all:

Nick French, a fellow Thesis student, extremely talented and dedicated filmmaker, and close friend, has agreed to join the crew as our key grip (for those of you that are film illiterate and have always scratched your head when seeing this credit scroll by, it basically means he'll be in charge of lighting). Both John and I served diligently, if at times deliriously, on Nick's shoot this past weekend, and are thrilled to see how "Don't Let Me Fall" turns out. Check out the teaser trailer for his last directorial effort, "Dysfunctional," on Youtube.

Scott Fowler, another Thesis student/great friend combination, has agreed (as of thirty seconds ago) to be Assistant Director for the film. He's also workin' on a slick-sounding character-driven chamber piece about "two guys, a girl, and another girl" that we're excited to assist with in whatever capacity he'll have us for!

Mikey Heller, a very funny and talented comic artist and television-radio Junior at Ithaca, has tentatively agreed to collaborate with us on a brief animated sequence for the film's opening credits. Check out some of Mikey's work at

And last but not least, we have one more cast member to introduce: Josh Turk as Fred Lancaster

In addition to all this jazz, I received the aforementioned prop t-shirt in the mail today, and it looks great.


You Gotta Have Style

Though I've hinted in sometimes convoluted language about the general sort of tone we're shooting for with 'Jimmy Paradise,' nothing states a case like some moving pictures. Here's a few brief scenes from movies that were on the mind during writing.

A brief sequence from last year's Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, directed by Edgar Wright.

A montage from Wes Anderson's 1998 film, Rushmore.

Both of these capture the rapid, whimsical sort of comedic tone and pacing I hope our film will feature.